Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Florida Morning

So as I sit in my new office in Florida, quite a few things have changed from Colorado. For one, my view has dramatically lessened, going from a nice 90 degree mountain view to a disappointing 38 degree, give or take, of a slight incline. Of that 38, at least 18 degrees are taken up by rather ugly buildings and a concrete wall, leaving me with only 20 degrees of potential people and horse watching, two things which are essential  in order to survive day upon day of 8 hour office days.
Another change is my new found fear of bugs, but I'm not talking about your average piddly little spider. I am talking about palm sized black and beige hairy spiders who actually visibly blink at you, and the red, heavily armoured creatures, resembling giant ants, who create giant webs in wooded areas and make you squeal like a baby as you flick them off your shoulder in terror, while trying to free yourself from their sticky web. Not that this has happened to me of course, I have just heard stories.
Another new thing here is my change in personal appearance, I have gone from an average looking women in here late twenties, to a hideous red, pink, white and lumpy individual who can be found in the corner rocking back and forth mumbling, "make it stop, make it stop" I am of course referring to the unbearable swelling, itchiness that is numerous mosquito bites on my arms, shoulders, face and neck. The mosquito's seem to be aware of where I am at all times. I made a joke yesterday about being inside the lodge for dinner and a swarm of mosquito's gathering outside quietly chanting "she can't stay in there forever" to each other, my audience laughed, I am convinced it is truth.
The Florida campus is an interesting piece of property which apparently once used to be a zoo, in fact the "giraffe house" is still in place, along with a number of other ugly breeze (cinder) block buildings with grey metal roofs, for some reason the buildings make me think of concentration camps!!
There are tall trees dripping with Spanish moss and a lot of student think the place looks like Jurassic park (with the mosquito's being my version of the carnivorous dinosaurs).
The whole state of Florida is just basically washed up from the ocean, so there is sand everywhere, sand with a weak grass covering, the sand gets everywhere and is almost black in colour, so you get really dirty really quick around here and all your belongings soon turn black.
The campus is very spread out, it takes us 15 to 20 minutes to walk from our trailer to the lodge and office, since we got here we have been using our truck to get back and forth, but that's bad for the truck and also expensive, so I am not looking forward to the twice daily mosquito run as we leave in the dark and return in the dark, prime mosquito time. We are looking into getting some bikes, so perhaps I will be able to outrun them?!
I am not enjoying the humidity at all, and it isn't even bad this time of year, I am predicting that it will not be much fun to be here at the end of spring next year.
Well, that was all very negative wasn't it, Sam and I are trying to keep open minds, but so far we both much prefer Colorado and wish we were still there.

1 comment:

  1. Think possitive, distance is the same than colorado and fittness is allways welcome and lots of people wished to be there. Well done and good luck.
